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Fluke Ti SBP3鋰電池/Ti25配件電池

 更新時間:2014-06-18 點(diǎn)擊量:650

Fluke Ti SBP3鋰電池—Ti32/Ti29/Ti27/Ti25配件電池

Fluke Ti SBP3鋰電池,是Fluke紅外熱像儀系列中Fluke Ti32紅外熱像儀、Fluke Ti29紅外熱像儀、Fluke Ti27紅外熱像儀和Fluke Ti25紅外儀的配件。


*Before using the Imager for the first time, charge the batteries in the included two-bay charging base for at least two an d one-half hours. The charging status 
of each battery will be shown on the five-segment battery charge indicator on each battery.

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